National Conference on Operations Fulfillment


NCOF 2011 - The ONLY Operations & Fulfillment Event that will Deliver the Newest Solutions & Strategies to Help You Make Smarter Business Decisions

This year the National Operations & Fulfillment Conference will focus on innovative solutions for your warehouse, distribution, operations, and ecommerce needs in the ever-changing world of operations and fulfillment.  

At NCOF you'll experience:

Don’t miss our featured Tuesday keynote speaker, Phil Terry of Creative Good, as he shares with you most valuable tips on top-notch customer experience and creating engaging work communities for success.



 Phil Terry, CEO, Creative Good

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
(8:00 AM - 9:00 AM)


Framework For the Future: Customer Evolution 



What can we learn from the past few years? What can we expect for the future to ensure growth in your company? Phil Terry, a highly engaging business leader and social entrepreneur, is a customer centric guru who will share with you at NCOF 2011 on how you may hold the key for the success of your company.


Understand the current evolution of brands, customer experience and culture happening right now. Through the combined insights from economics, history, engineering, mathematics and the art to challenge and inspire, be prepared navigate your operation & fulfillment business successfully. Give the vision of the future, Phil will unravel the role customer-centric executives play in leading the growth of leading companies and help reignite growth in this growing economy.














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