Information Development World 2015

Enterprise Localization: A Strategic Approach

Wednesday, September 30 — 9:00am-5:00pm

James Romano
Chief Executive Officer
Prisma International, Inc.

Many modern enterprises share a common problem: While they churn out more content each day, the tools, contributors and stakeholders are siloed across the organization. The results include waste, duplication and content short circuits — the wrong content delivered to the wrong customers via the wrong channel. For global customers, the results are often confusion and frustration as they try to navigate their way through the content that’s driving their brand experience. In some cases, the results can be humorous; in others, the implications can be much more serious. In short, the modern enterprise needs the ability to create and manage a localized customer experience that speaks with a consistent voice across languages, cultures and channels. This hands-on workshop will provide you with an Enterprise Road Map for your company’s localization strategy. Through a series of interactive exercises and a focus on best practices and leading-edge technologies, we will provide participants with the tools and concepts necessary to align, build and deploy an enterprise localization strategy that’s right for your company’s unique needs.


As CEO of Prisma International, Jim has been helping companies become global-ready for over thirty years. His relentless focus on the seamless communication experience—the right content delivered in the right language on the right platform—grew out of his experience as a small kid in an Italian family in New Jersey, where none of the three existed. As a grown-up professional linguist, Jim develops localization and content strategies for a broad range of clients, from start-ups to large companies to government agencies. His recent work involves developing translation management platforms for retail, healthcare and hi tech clients.