Special needs groups - Working with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people

Special needs groups - Working with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people

Aged care providers need to ensure their services are accessible and appropriate for all older people. Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people like any older person should have a choice about who provides their services, some people will want an Aboriginal managed organisation and others may prefer services from culturally safe mainstream organisations.

While conservative estimates suggest that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people represent 3% of the Australian population, according to ABS data - the population of Indigenous Australians is projected to increase to between 713,300 and 721,100 people in 2021, at an average growth rate of 2.2% per year. In comparison, the average growth rate of the total Australian population is projected to be between 1.2% and 1.7% per year over the same period. The number of older Indigenous people (55 years and over) is projected to more than double from 40,000 in 2006 to between 82,000 and 86,600 in 2021.


This session will explore:

  • information that all providers should know about Aboriginal & Torres Strait islander people, including a brief look at the history, the impact and the achievements;
  • dispelling the myths and overcoming challenges;
  • strategies – including, Reconciliation Action Plans, recruitment and mentoring programs;
  • how providers can creatively use person centred and consumer directed approaches; and
  • where to access more detailed information and support.

 Join us to hear from the following people who will share their knowledge and experiences as Aboriginal people and mainstream workers in organisations that are successfully delivering services to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people:

  • Leanne Trindall Aboriginal HACC Development Officer (ACS)
  • Stolen Generation  speaker (TBC) - understanding the impact when delivering services
  • Kaye McCulloch (3 Bridges Community) – Experience in developing a Reconciliation Action Plan and employment strategy
  • Caroline Glass - Pattison (Benevolent Society) – Engagement planning
  • Residential Facility (TBC) – experience in the residential setting