How to set up Your Profile and Upload your Abstract: 
  • Select Login (on the blue bar above) and the click on New User to create a profile.  As part of your profile you will also be required to supply a short biography of 50 words for presenting authors to complete the process. 

  • Once completed you will automatically go back to the home page where a button on the blue line above will appear saying Abstract Submissions.  Click on the Abstract Submission button to upload your abstract and add in the additional details of the Co-Authors

  • You will be sent an email confirming your profile has been set up and abstract has been received
  • You can go back in and edit your personal details as well as adding in additional abstracts.  Please remember to save any changes you make (Save button is at the bottom of the page)

Closing date of Abstract Submission - Now extended to Monday 08 February 2016
Notification of Acceptance - Monday 29 February 2016

We invite abstracts reflecting the theme of the conference in the following categories:

•    Contemporary Social Issues
•    Midwifery and (Social) Media
•    Culture and Health
•    Midwifery Practice
•    Midwifery and Society
•    Community Midwifery / Women’s Health
•    Hospital Midwifery / Women’s Health
•    Midwifery Education

Presentations Types:
Oral Presentations:
If your abstract is accepted as an oral presentation you will have 25 minutes to present followed by 5 minutes for discussion and questions.

Poster Presentations:
If your abstract is accepted as a poster, you will be required to produce a poster. Poster Guidelines will be provided at time of acceptance.

Format for Abstracts:
Title – In bold
Insert blank line

Author(s) first and last names (please also identify the presenting author/s in bold), with superscript number referring to the Origin of the author(s) in the next lines
Insert blank line

Origin (Organisation, City and Country (if outside of New Zealand)
Insert blank line

Insert Abstract Text:

•    Microsoft Word document
•    File named with the following format: SMITH_Linda.docx
•    Arial, 12 point
•    Maximum of 250 words
•    Single spacing without justified margins
•    At the end of the abstract, insert one blank line and provide a short biography (maximum 50 words in total) on all presenting authors

Click here to see an example of an abstract

Criteria for Evaluating Abstracts:
All abstracts are subject to review by the Programme Committee.
In evaluating the abstract the reviewers will be mindful of the following criteria:
•    Abstracts are in plain language, free of specialist jargon, unless it is clearly appropriate
•    The degree to which the substance for the abstract contributes to the conference theme(s)
•    Innovation and originality or application of existing ideas in a ways that provide new insights and progress the field
•    Usefulness to a significant audience of practitioners
•    If a research project or audit is presented you will also need to specify aims, methods and findings

Conditions of Submission
•    Late submissions will not be accepted.
•    The Programme Committee will review all abstracts and may contact authors or their nominated referees as part of the review process.
•    A condition of acceptance is that at least one author presents at the conference.
•    Presenters must register to attend for at least a day of the conference. They are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and registration expenses. Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to authors or   presenters.
•    It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the accuracy of the content, spelling, grammar and formatting of the abstract, as it will be published as it is submitted.
•    By submitting an abstract you also grant the Committee permission to publish the abstract in the Conference proceedings in hard copy and/or electronic format.