Welcome to the online abstract submission for WIN 2018

To submit your abstract please follow the instructions that appear on your screen. The deadline to submit an abstract is May 30, 2018.

Before you proceed with your abstract submission, you are advised to review our abstract guidelines
Once you have submitted your (provisional) abstract, you will receive an automatic email confirmation (this may take several minutes). If you do not receive an email, please email the Symposium Secretariat. More details about the abstract submission can be found on the symposium website.

Invited speakers

Invited speakers are requested to submit their abstract for inclusion in the symposium program. It is advisable to prepare your abstract text and store it on your computer, so that you can retrieve it when needed. Please note that as an invited speaker, you should select the topic ‘invited lectures’ for your abstract.

New User?

If you are accessing the online abstract submission website for the first time, please create a new user profile for the submitting author of the abstract. You will then receive immediate access to the website to submit your abstract.