AFCEA Washington, DC March Monthly Breakfast Program

How do the Armed Forces gather the necessary intelligence to accomplish joint and branch-specific missions? What sorts of communications, reconnaissance and computing needs does DoD need help implementing to position warfighters for success? How do new contract opportunities in cyber, UAVs, networking and mobility solutions impact opportunities for industry to partner with the Armed Forces?

This breakfast will feature a panel discussion by General Officers from three branches of the Armed Forces, focusing on intelligence, A2s, G2s, satellite security and the different ways that industry can support C4ISR needs in Armed Forces joint operations.

Our monthly program draws between 350-400 senior officers and IT professionals from across the Department of Defense, armed services, intelligence and civilian agencies. The goal of our monthly event is to foster better joint warfighting communication, share best practices and lessons learned, and identify mission-critical IT issues affecting the Department of Defense and military community.

For more information on AFCEA Washington, DC or to view the full event calendar, please visit