Meeting of the Minds 2020



Welcome to Atlanta!

Welcome to Meeting of the Minds! TRIB Group is please to return to Atlanta to host our Home Coming "Back Where It All Began." 

Event Details


The Waverly Renaissance Hotel/ Cobb Convention Center are located just north of Atlanta. Rates are $189 plus tax. Deadline is Jan. 24, 2020. Book online below or call 1-888-391-8724



Plan to arrive early on Sunday, February 23rd so that you won't miss the Welcome Reception at the College Football Hall of Fame!


We have an outstanding line-up of eductational sessions with topics such as ...........

Featured Speakers

Kelly Parks

Infrastructure Specialist


Amelia Pierce

Team Strategist


Troy Perkins

Chief Operations Officer


Amy Adams

UX Specialist


Download the App

Get the powerful, easy-to-use mobile app that will make sure you get the most out of this event.

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