Healthy Heart Challenge
Home > Your Champions > Adriana Taylor MLC
Adriana Taylor MLC 

Adriana Taylor has been Mayor of Glenorchy City Council, Tasmania’s fourth largest city, since 2005. In 2009, Adriana was elected to parliament as the Legislative Council Member for Elwick. Adriana is proud to be a grandmother, Rotarian, a Member of the Country Women’s Association and many other volunteer community and sporting organisations, including being the No.1 ticket holder of the Glenorchy Football Club.
The 64 year old grandmother has always enjoyed an active lifestyle. However, since being elected to parliament, she has found it difficult to keep to an exercise routine.

"Dying or being chronically ill from preventable heart disease is not in my plan!"
Adriana has chosen the 'Be active every day' goal.

Week 3 update

I have made several major changes.

Firstly I decided to walk at least 10,000 steps a day or spend at least one hour a day doing physical activity. That has been quite difficult but I have managed it almost every day.
Secondly I decided to be more careful about my eating habits. The bad habit I have developed is snacking late at night! My only lapses have been two dark chocolate Tim Tams in two weeks. The challenge of making sure I eat at least two serves of fruit and five vegies is still something I’m working on.

I have found my goals relatively easy to achieve so far. I think my preparation time was important as I thought a lot about what I could and would do. I told my family and friends about it and why. I put an exercise reminder in my diary for each day. All that has helped. When I’m tired and snack hungry for chocolate at night I tell my family and they laugh me out of it. So thanks guys.

I feel so much more energetic now. I feel more comfortable with my improving shape. Those are both things I wanted to achieve.
Week 6 update
Oh what disastrous week for me last week! Budget Estimates week: early days, late nights, poor diet, too little time for exercise! It was a struggle, but I survived.  Only one day that I didn't get at least 30 minutes, but several days I did not get my five vegetables. And certainly not enough sleep.